Wednesday, June 24, 2009

For Today : 24 June 2009

i fell in love with this simple documentation idea from The Simple Woman's Day Book via ali edwards:

June 24th, 2009

Outside my window... the rain is falling swiftly yet so gently. The construction works of the adjacent project continues.....

I am thinking... how to go about reading the bible. how do i de-clutter? how do i just start compiling a mini album without thinking too much?!

I am thankful for... the time here in vp, the leave that i have to clear these few days which allows me to physically rest and spend time with Jesus.

From the kitchen...myojo tom yam cup noodles and an occasional nibbles of nuts from the royal mix nuts (looking forward to be back at bm tonight for home cooked food. mom is cooking mee hoon kuay)

I am wearing...ripcurl blue surf shorts & a grey sleeveless top & no shoes.

I am creating...a huge mess on my dining cum working cum 'dump everything on it' table

I am take a nap which on a normal weekday can never happen!

I am reading... the bible (and i can't get enough of it!)

I am hoping...that my leave these few days will be fruitful and i will accomplish much.

I am hearing...Pastor's sermon on 27 May 2009 - The Healing Power of God's Gift of Righteousness and the constant pounding and drilling noises from the construction site.

Around the house...there are lots of clothes lying around which was just ironed and cleared, papers & books spilled all over the table, alfie lazing around in his cage,... vastness.

One of my favorite my ipod. i don't know if it falls under my favourite thing or my necessity. i am never without my ipod.

A few plans for the rest of the week...which is really exciting since i am on leave for the rest of the week. will be heading down bm to tomorrow to de-clutter and throw out as much stuff as i can. friday i might be having my facial in the morning. meeting ad in the evening to just fellowship. saturday morning is my usual blading class. this week's evening there won't be dinner at bm cos mom and dad are attending hansel's wedding (yup! hansel!). i'm on duty this sunday :)

A picture to share...

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