Monday, July 13, 2009

the simplicity of it

the very thing that is still hindering my 'start' to create some layout is that i have always felt that i must do a fantastic layout. what i mean by fantastic is it must be filled with embellishments that are well coordinated and tastely put together. a great story accompanying it. it must be complicated yet simple enough to inspire and tell the story. it must have a fantastic photo that portrays a superb event.

talk about simplicity. this really sounds complicated and such a burden and hassle. what happen to simply telling the story, simply documenting an everyday event? why do we complicate things that are already complicated to begin with?

when i saw this post by guest blogger - ali edwards on creating keepsakes blog, i was brought back to the simplicity of scrapbooking. she is a star in scrapbooking world, having the ability to put together so many things yet make it work. but yet, she can be simple. than how much more an amateur and a huge fan of hers. it merely comprise of a photo, a button, and pattern paper. nothing complicated. nothing fancy. but it's gorgeous. (but i must say her eye for coordinating colours is quite awesome)

this really brought me back to the core of scrapbooking - tell the story as it is.

what is complicating your story today? why not go back to the simplicity and joy of it?


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