Friday, August 21, 2009

Escape Art Journal by evalicious

i have been looking at this Escape Art Journal kit by evalicious for sometimes now. the only deterrence is the heft shipping cost. the more i look at it, the more i feel it's not about what the kit is offering but what i can offer to the kit. what makes up the kit doesn't matter any more but what matters is the photos and journalling that makes up the kit. after considering for a while now, i think i will go ahead and order it. :D and i am sure the photos and journalling to fill this up will come! :)
as i was just relishing on this kit, i decide to drop the 'stars' of this journalling kit an email to inform them of my intention :P hehehhe after all, you need to 'invite' those stars first before the 'filming' begins :D

Tao & Diao

This is a scrapbooking kit that I really want to get and considering for a long time.
The theme of this kit is “Escape Journal”
It’s specifically to record travel adventures and trips.

I am very “stingy” when it comes to using kits cos kits are expensive so I unless the trip is a “Huge” and exotic one like my Italy trip or Maldives or Hawaii… than it is ‘worthy’ to have those pictures in these exotic places in expensive kits :P get what I mean? Bangkok is for sure NOT ‘worthy’ to be documented with such expensive kit. :P why? Cos photos are very important to me to tell a story especially photos of the destination that I am in.. the buildings the food the streets etc etc (not so much of people).. and unless I have fantastic photos to print and paste, I won’t bother to do it at all. Bangkok buildings are errr.. not ‘worthy’ to speak of *bleah*

BUT nothing will make me want more than to document down our Bangkok trip in this awesome (yet freaking expensive kit hah hah)  in this trip.. it’s not the photos only that will tell the story or make this travel documentation so dear and special. It’s not the photos of the streets or food that will be the highlight of this it. In this journal, the photos will capture 2 dear people who defined my life and know how to love life! The story will be told by journaling (words and thoughts) of how I feel and more importantly the words and thoughts of the folks that are there with me.  it will surely capture the crazy fun that we will have. Crazy yet godly. Totally cool but yet filled with Jesus’ sweet presence. 

When I look at this kit, I cannot visualize using it for any other trips that I have gone before but the upcoming Bangkok trip.  I can ‘see’ all the crazy photos of us that we will have.. I cannot imagine what you guys will write on it hheheh but I can totally imagine myself working on this kit! I am a perfectionist when it comes to such stuff but I can see myself not bothering about whether the photos are stuck properly or if my handwriting is perfect or if I have matched a matching embellishment to the page or have I got it all chronologically right and logical (ah tao will know how it feels to have this NEED to get things ‘right’ in this sense hehehe) all the things that matters to get it ‘right’ is not important any more cos the very fact that you guys are inside this journal and being part of it.. is RIGHT! :D

I am ordering this scrapbooking kit online and have them shipped to me, only reserved for this adventure and this adventure alone. Ordering in advance cos by faith I know this trip will surely come to pass.  doesn’t matter when. Good things are worth the wait.

Love this kit! Love even much more what will be filled up in this kit 

Love you both.

Shalom shalom

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