Thursday, September 10, 2009

something that makes lots of sense to me..

Day 1:

actual quote:

Don’t let fear of failure discourage you. Don’t let the voice of critics paralyze you—whether that voice comes from the outside or the inside. You are a great power for good. You will make the world a better place. Lift up your chin; walk tall. God loves you."
D.F. Uchtdorf
i was equipped with the power of God on 080909 to do the thing that i never thought i'll ever be able to. this power enabled me to face my giant and to see the start of it come tumbling down. having this power gave me the strength to face my greatest fear and to step into a new dimension all together. the uncertainty of the future can really cripple one. i often wonder if i were to take a step of faith into the new arena, will i ever reach the shore? what if i fail? what if there is no fruits in this 'journey'? but i thank God i will not allow discouragement to faze me, i will not let any fear of failure to cripple me. i think the worse kind of failure is give up before you even try or get started. just go for it. if i fail, at least i know i have tried. and knowing that is victory in itself. than again, how to fail when God has already give me the victory? :)

DAY 2:

090909 - a step closer to be totally out of trial. it's gonna happen anyways, so why not start it earlier so that i can enjoy earlier? it's gonna be a great journey.

graphics source: rhonna farrer

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