Thursday, September 9, 2010

Three *Hearts* | The Now Things

totally inspired by ali's Three Things category and elsie's 10 Things I love Sundays...

i am a little less ambitious than elsie, so i'll go with ali's Three Things first.

[1] Ordering Your Private World | Gordon MacDonald

This is a good read. i was blown away by the preface alone and i actually have a mini book to document down the important points for each chapter. pretty awesome i must say. this book was recommended by pastor ben forwarded to me by coach maddy.

[2] Awesome Notes

Quite an extraordinary application for my iphone. the functions are comprehensive, the graphics are captivating, it's user friendly and all in all, pretty amazing. but the catch is - it will cost me a good US$3.99. the most expensive and the ONLY application that i've ever bought only cost me US$0.99. but the more i explore this app, the more i feel it's pretty neat app to have. the clincher is the photo diary and photo log. i can actually log in places with great food and their details and at one glance i can see all the entries and stuff. i might just finally get this app.. :)

[3] Cat Socrates | Concertino 100 - Camera Series 1

A lover of notebook (notebookS to be accurate), i fell in love with Cat Socrates the minute i step into the shop. it's like a notebook buffet spread. i was like a kid in a candy store. this little notebook measuring 14.6cm x 9.3cm is handy and palm sized. inside it's graph paper. i got one of the cassette series which i am using to take down notes for the book that i am reading now - Ordering Your Private World.

it seems a bit random for now. but these are the 3 things that i can think about for now. let's see how it will evolve later on. i'll probably try to do this on a weekly basis say every friday or some sorts.


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